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Smarter Workplace today.
Governments | Schools | Not for Profits | Hospitals | Churches
Sourcewell's national contract with Sharp Electronics offers national volume pricing on Sharp's complete line of award winning Digital Copiers, Printers, LCD Monitors and Professional Displays. The contract is formally bid nationally to save you considerable time while offering the very best national published contract pricing. Eligible members include government entities, education (K-12 and higher ed) or non-profit agencies nationwide.
The effective date of the Contract (#030321-SEC) is 7/1/2021 and will expire on 4/19/2025.
Bids got you buried?
There is a better way. And it's through SOURCEWELL!
Sharp Electronics' national contract with Sourcewell is formally bid to save your organization valuable time, expense and effort while offering the very best national published contract pricing.
Competitively bid on customer's behalf by a government agency...no formal bid required
Leveraged buying power assures national volume pricing
One step ordering reduces time and expense of purchase process
All local Government, Educational and Non-Profit organizations qualify.
No cost to join or participate!
Visit https://www.sourcewell-mn.gov for membership information.