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BUSINESS MACHINES | 423.855.5222
Start your journey to a Simply
Smarter Workplace today.
Software Solutions
We work with numerous companies to bring our customers software solutions to help make their businesses more productive. Some software solutions include:
Secure Print Release & FollowMe Printing
Ensure sensitive documents don't start printing until the user is there to collect
Print to a single global queue, walk up and collect at any device
Stop unapproved usage—validate access with swipe cards or device login
This software works on any platform (Win, Mac, Linux, Novell) and automatically imports users from Active Directory, LDAP and more
Power Your I.D. Badge
Access your printer/MFP with a swipe of your I.D. badge. Employees are able to use their badge after they send a print job to allow their document to print. Eliminate wasteful printing and make users and departments accountable. Secure printing has never been easier.
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