COVID-19: Guide for Cleaning Office Equipment

As the unprecedented threat of the Coronavirus continues to emerge throughout the world, Sharp is taking steps to provide customers with the information they need to property clean the surfaces of Sharp office equipment and help control the spread of illness.
Sharp has developed the recommendations below to help businesses properly clean and disinfect the surfaces of shared devices, including Sharp MFPs, printers, monitors and laptops.
To properly clean surfaces, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends cleaning, followed by disinfecting as a best practice for the prevention of Coronavirus and other viral respiratory illnesses in households and community settings.
The CDC advises to use a diluted alcohol solution that consists of at least 70% isopropyl alcohol and 30% water. Follow these steps below to clean the touch surfaces of Sharp devices utilizing the CDC recommendation.
1) Wear disposable gloves (latex or nitrile) when cleaning and disinfecting surfaces
2) Turn off the device and disconnect AC power
3) Moisten a microfiber cloth with a mixture of 70% isopropyl alcohol and 30% water (do not spray)
4) Begin with the display or MFP control panel and finish with any flexible cables
5) When cleaning a display screen or touchscreen panel, wipe in one direction
6) After disinfecting, copier/scanner glass should be cleaned again using an office glass cleaner
7) When finished, discard gloves and wash hands immediately for 20 seconds with soap and water
Precautions to take when cleaning and disinfecting Sharp office Equipment
Never spray cleaning solutions on equipment, only use a moistened lint-free or microfiber cleaning cloth
Do not use paper towels or tissues to clean equipment
Do not use an alcohol/water mixture that is stronger than 70% isopropyl alcohol
Avoid contact with skin and eyes when cleaning with alcohol and make sure there is adequate ventilation
Only clean the exterior touch surfaces when cleaning and disinfecting equipment
Never use abrasives or chemicals such as bleach, ammonia, acetone, peroxide or other cleaning agents on equipment as these can damage the finish as well as damage electrical components.
For additional CDC information on cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, visit: